Konohamugen: The solution to a non-leeching Mugen site! This site has multiple contributers for characters, and the most common characters are naruto characters. Some of the best coders come here to share their creations.
Wanting to learn to code? There are very many coders willing to help you. Though most won't full teach you, we recommend you read the "mugen ultimate fighter factory tutorials", otheriwse known as the blazeinc tutorials. But there many willing people to help you along the way!
Want to learn other things, such as stage making, screenpack making, spriting, and other things? We're gladly willing to help! We have sections for help on all of them, in which almost to all sections have some type of tutorial to help you out. And remember, there is [b]ALWAYS[b/] somebody to help.
Not into discussing mugen? Need something else to do? We have other sections, such as the General Discussion. You can discuss pretty much anything you want, just make sure you follow the rules! We also have the debate section, whether it be on debating on a new cellphone or if an anime is better than the other.
We also have anime sections, in which you may discuss various anime or manga. If yours doesn't have a section, you can discuss it in the other anime/manga section.
Into GFX or Signatures? We have a graphics section just at the bottom of the list. Don't worry, it's just as good as the others :). We infact have the Signature of the Week every week, and it has a set theme for a signature. It's usually named SOTW, and a number of what week it is.
This is a very nice site, and you should recommend it to other people! We are trying to build a very good community, and your help would be very appreciated!